Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Where to Buy Magnetic Nail Polish - LCN - Nail Polish Trends Fall 2011

LCN Magnetic Nail Polish

Well, well, well...
it's about time a new and fabulous nail polish hit the market!
Enter LCN's Magnetic Nail Polish.

I first read about this latest nail polish trend a few weeks ago in Allure Magazine, as this mag is AWESOME about introducing new and exciting products. LCN's Magnetic Polish is supposed to be available in stores by October 2011, but I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it and went searching online. Here's what I found:

Quite a few Ebayers are selling it in the United Kingdom (UK) but I didn’t want to wait that long for shipping. Since I’m in the USA, I went directly to the LCN website and purchased from there.

The polishes cost 9.99, and 1 magnet costs $19.99.  I purchased the polish in purple "Fuschia Attraction".The magnets come in two varieties: Star and Diagonal   - I purchased the Diagonal.  In the back of my head, I was thinking… wouldn’t any old magnet do the trick? Do I really have to spend $20 on a little bitty magnet? But knowing that I would be frustrated if I had to go back online to order the magnet and pay again for shipping… I just went ahead and ordered it. By the time the $8 UPS shipping charge was added in, I was down $39 bucks for this purchase.  Thinking of the cost in comparison to one manicure (for which I normally pay about $30), figured the cost wasn’t so bad. Unlike a manicure, whose glory fades after just a few days, I can have several applications with this 1 bottle of polish.

Countries that sell Magnetic Nail Polish:
If you live out side the USA, I beleive you have to purchase it from Ebay. Not sure if the LCN website does international shipping, but you can always check with them. When searching on Ebay, I also discovered an interesting little fact... L'Oreal was among the first to create Magnetic Nail Polish! It was called Star Magnet Nail Polish and apparently it was only released in the UK two years ago, but was then discontinued. I couldn't find any information as to why it was discontinued, but certainly wish they would bring it back!  It would be wonderful if we could buy magnetic polish at the drug store, without having to pay hefty shipping charges.

Am very excited to try it out ~ will post a tutorial and pics as soon as it arrives.
ETA for my tutorial? Around August 15th

Where to buy Magnetic Nail Polish?
Go to the LCN website, then click the “Polish” tab, or go directly through this link:

Pictures of Magnetic Nail Polish

Here are some pictures I've snagged from the web, so you can see what the polish looks like.
Remember to check back for my step by step tutorial on how to apply Magnetic Nail Polish!
(Clicking the pictures will automatically direct you to the picture's source site or blog)

Where to buy Magnetic Nail Polish: LCN Website

Magnetic Nail Polish Magnets - $19 at LCN website
Above: Magnetic Nail Polish Magnets: Diagonal or Star 

Picture of Magnetic Nail Polish

Above: Ferromagnetic Blue, used with Diagonal Magnet

Above:  Fuschia Attraction used with Diagonal Magnet

Above:  Copper Seduction used with Star Magnet

Be sure to check back around August 15th for my photo uploads and tutorial on Magnetic Nail Polish!

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